This past weekend was our biannual trip to Chicago to participate in the Natural History Study for
Rett Syndrome. Basically it's a chance to meet with some wonderful
Rett experts. They collect data on Annie, skills she's lost or gained, medical issues that have come up since the last meeting, her height, weight, etc. All in an effort to gain more information about
Rett Syndrome and how it affects our girls. We also have a chance to ask any questions that we may have about Annie and any problems she may be having.
Our meeting was not until Sunday afternoon and we had decided that we would just make the trip in one day, drive there for the apt. and then drive home right afterwards. But once I realized that the kids had Monday off of school we changed our minds, packed up the troops and took the family with us. I'm so glad we did, we had a blast.
We arrived Saturday evening just in time for dinner and then a dip in the pool - too bad we didn't bring the camera for that Annie had the BEST time swimming - looks like we'll have to come visit Aunt Katie's pool this winter!! Sunday we woke up, went out to breakfast and then headed to Navy Pier. The kids LOVED t

he boats!! The Chicago Children's Science Museum was right on the Pier so of course we had to check that out. Then it was off to Rush Medical Center for Annie's appointment.
We were the absolute last apt. of the day so the place was pretty empty when we arrived which was a little disappointing because we were really hoping to see some other families, but it did mean that we were in and out in record time. The appointment was all positive. Annie has gained weight and a couple inches and her doctor was thrilled with how healthy and strong she looked. This was great news especially coming off of almost 3 weeks of being sick. We thank God for Annie's health, we know how blessed we are when we hear of the struggles some of the other girls are having.
After the appointment we were back in the car and heading home. The kids did so great and it ended up being a very relaxing and fun trip for all of us -well except for Scott who so
graciously drove all the way there and all the way back while I caught up on some much needed sleep! - Thanks

James and his giant pancake breakfast!

James and Gracie on Navy Pier

The Ladies on the Pier!

James and Grace in front of the Inventing lab - I think James could LIVE here!

James and Grace - inventing!

Annie was exhausted when we were at the museum but not too tired to give us a little giggle when we stuck her hand in the T-Rex's mouth!! Good Hands cutie!!!

Gracie turning the water wheel

James and Scott building water channels!