Saying prayers for all the young special needs mom's like me that are realizing this same thing and to all the special needs moms that have gone before us and have shown us that we will make it through.
I just love this computer, the freedom that it will provide for Annie will be life changing!
Here's Annie with her Bear, but no ordinary Bear, this bear has speakers in it's feet. We can hook it up to a radio, CD player or my i-phone and Annie can listen to music without needing ear phones. I wish I had a picture of her sweet smile when I hooked it up to my i-phone the first time and she heard the music coming out of it, not to mention she LOVES her stuffedies!
Here's the Singing Bible. I was looking for a Children's Bible on CD for Annie and came across this. It's perfect, she absolutly LOVES music! Oh, and even better, we can hook the CD player up to the bear above! :)As you can see in these pictures Annie isn't her typical, happy, smiley self. She's going through a rough patch yet again. She is off and on happy and in pain - which is a blessing, much better than just 100% pain but yet still not ideal. I have a couple ideas and we will be seeing some of her specialists this month so hopefully we will get to the bottom of it quickly but she could sure use your prayers!!!
Virtual Garage Sale: Do you have an attic or a basement full of stuff you haven't used in years? Do you have kids that have outgrown their toys? Are you in the process of moving? If the answer is yes I ask you to please consider taking some time to put those items on Craigslist and donate your earnings to Team Annie to raise money for Rett Research! If you don't have the time to do Craigslist but would still like to help out consider donating an item - you can drop it off to me and I'd be happy to sell it!
Other Ideas: Would you like to help in other ways? What's your hobby? What do you like to do? Bet we can help you raise money! Enjoy running? Enter a local race and run for Rett! Involved in your church? Have a bake sale or Grow a Garden of Hope at your church! Have your own business? Consider donating a portion of your April sales to Rett research! If you feel compelled to help us find a cure Team Annie is here to support your efforts!
Donations: Maybe events aren't your thing but you would still like to help. You'll be happy to know that we will take your money! Donate to Team Annie! Our Goal is to raise $1,000 this month and we are already over 20% there. Stop by our first giving page, read about Annie, make a donation and leave a comment to support her fight!